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Wednesday, August 21, 2019

History-Chandragupta I

Chandragupta I

• First important king of Gupta Dynasty.

• Started the Gupta era in 319-320 AD.

• He enhanced his power & prestige by marrying Kumara Devi, princes of the Lichchavi clan of Nepal.

• He acquired the title of Maharajadhiraj.

• Struck coins in the joint names of himself, his queen and the Lachchavi nation, thereby acknowledging his marriage alliance.

• The Gupta kingdom was enlarged enormously by Chandragupta’s son & successor Samudragupta.

• His court poet Harisena wrote a glowing account of the military exploits of his patron. In a long inscription at the Prayag Prashasti pillar (at Allahabad), the poet enumerated the people & countries that were conquered by Samudragupta.

• Samudragupta believed in the policy of war and conquest and because of his bravery and generalship he is called the ‘Napoleon’ of India (by the historian V.A.Smith).

• Samudragupta is said to have composed numerous poems of high merit. Some of his coins represent him playing vina. He also performed Asvamedha sacrifice.

• He assumed the titles of Kaviraj and Vikramanka.

• Vasubandhu, a celebrated Buddhist scholar was his minister.

• Though a follower of the brahmanical religion, he was tolerant of other faiths; Received a missionary from Meghavarman, the ruler of SriLanka, seeking his permission to build a Buddhist temple at Gaya, which he granted.

Chandragupta – II

• Samudragupta was succeeded by Ramgupta but Chandragupta II killed him and married his queen Dhruvadevi.

• He entered into matrimonial alliance with the Nagas (of upper and the Central Provinces) by marrying princess Kubernaga whose daughter Prabhavati was married to Rudrasena-II of the Vakataka family.

• Took the title of Vikramaditya by defeating Rudrasimha III, a Kshatrap king of Ujjain. He also took the title of Simhavikrama.

• He was the first ruler to issue silver coins. Also issued copper coins.

• The iron pillar inscription, fixed near Qutabminar in Delhi mentions a king Chandra (considered by many as Chandragupta II only).

• His court was adorned by celebrated nine gems (navratnas) including Kalidasa, Amarsimha, Varahmihir, and Dhanvantri.

• Chinese pilgrim Fahien visited India at this time.

Kumaragupta – I

• He founded Nalanda University (a renowned university of ancient India).

• He was the worshipper of Lord Kartikeya (son of Lord Shiva). dopted the title of Mahendraditya.

History of Skandagupta (AD 455 – 467):

• Kumaragupta-I was followed by Skandagupta. He faced Hunas effectively.Restored Sudarshana Lake.

• After his death, the great days of the Guptas were over. The empire continued but central control weakened, and local governors became feudatory kings with hereditary rights.

• The weak successors of Skandagupta could not check the growing Huna power.

• Feudatories rose in Bihar, Bengal, MP, Vallabhi, etc.

• Note: Mihirkula was the most famous Huna king. Hjuen Tsang mentions him as a fierce per secutor of Buddhism.He was defeated by Yashodharman (one of the feudatories of Guptas in Malwa).

Gupta Administration

• Kings were called Parameshwara /Maharajadhiraja /Paramabhattaraka.

• The most important officers were Kumaramatyas.

• Their military organization was feudal in character (though the emperor had the standing army).

• They issued the largest number of gold coins in Ancient India, which were called Dinars. Silver coins were called rupyakas.

Social Development of Guptas Empire :

• The castes were further divided into sub-castes.

• Vishti (forced labour) was there.

• Position of women declined further. First instance of Sati took place at Eran, MP.

• The position of shudras improved substantially.

• The practice of untouchability intensed. (Especially hatred for Chandalas). Fa-hien mentions that the Chandalas lived outside the village and were distanced by the upper class.

• Nalanda (a university) was established as a Buddhist monastery during the reign of Kumara Gupta.

Gupta Religion :

• Bhagavad-Gita was written during this time only. Buddhism declined.

• Bhagavatism centered around worshipping Vishnu or Bhagvat.

• History was presented as a cycle of 10 incarnations of Vishnu Idol worship became a common feature.

• Vishnu temple at Deogarh (near Jhansi), a small temple near Sanchi and a brick temple at Bhitragaon (near Kanpur) belong to the Gupta architecture.


• Kalidas, the great Sanskrit dramatist, belonged to this period. His books are: Abhigyanashakuntalam, (considered as one of the best literary works in the world & one of the earliest Indian work to be translated into European language, the other work being the Bhagavadgita), Ritusamhara, Meghadutam, Kumarasambhavam, Malavikagnimitram, Raghuvansha, Vikramurvashi etc. Out of these, Ritusamhara, Meghadutam, Raghuvansha were epics and the rest were plays.

• Apart from Kalidas, others were Sudraka (author of Mrichchakatikam), Bharavi (Kiratarjuniya), Dandin (Kavyadarshana and Dasakumaracharita). To this period belongs 13 plays written by Bhasa. Most famous of these was Charudatta.

• Vishakhadatta wrote Mudrarakshasa and Devichandraguptam.

• Vishnu Sharma wrote Panchtantra and Hitopdesh.

• The Gupta period also saw the development of Sanskrit grammar based on Panini and Patanjali. This period is particularly memorable for the compilation of Amarakosha by Amarasimha.

• Ramayana & Mahabharata were almost completed by the 4th century AD.

Science and Technology of Gupta Period :

• Gupta period is unparalleled for its achievements in the field of mathematics and astronomy.

• Aryabhatta, the great mathematician wrote Aryabhatiya and Suryasiddhanta. In Aryabhatiya, he described the place value of the first nine nos. & the use of zero. He also calculated the value of pie and invented Algebra In Suryasiddhanta, he proved that the earth revolves round the sun and rotates on its axis. In this way he discovered the cause of the solar and lunar eclipses and the methods for calculating the timings of their occurrence. He also


A database is a collection of similar information, storing it on a computer provides a means of analysing and manipulating this information. The database can store just about any type of information, including numbers, pages of text, and pictures. The database also ranges wildly in size. Its structure makes the information easy to select, sort, display, and print in a variety of formats. With access, you can create and maintain as many databases as you need.
              Microsoft Access is a general purpose program that works with almost any kind of information. Access 2007 is the Microsoft database management program that enables you to maintain a database.

To start Microsoft Access 2007

Click on start>all program>microsoft office>microsoft office access 2007

1. Choose the Run....option after clicking the start button.
2. Type ms access in the open
3. Then click ok


1.Fields: A field contains a single piece of information such as name, city, street address or phone number.

2.RecordsA record consists of one or more fields. A student record can have Roll No, Name, Address, and City as its fields.

3.Tables: A table displays records in rows and columns, much like a spreadsheet. A table group related record., such as records of all students or records of all account holders.

4. Forms: A form displays all the fields of a single record onscreen, just like a paper form, so that you can add, edit or view a single record at a time,

5. Queries: A query lets you retrieve certain information based on your criteria such as only retrieving roll numbers and names of a student who scored more than 75% marks in a certain examination.

6. Reports: A report arranges your data in a certain way, such as showing all the students who have scored more than 75% marks in an exam.

                         In access, every database is stored in a single file. Access can create a blank database or a database using one of many templates available locally on your hard disk or from the Microsoft web site. However, you always need to modify a database created from a template.

1. Click Office button > New option

2. Type the new name of the database file. The default name of the database is Database 1.

3. Click the Browse icon to specify a different folder or drive to store the database if you wise to.

4. Click Create. You will notice that the extension of a database in Access 2007 is .accdb.

        Tables are the most basic building block in your database- they hold the data that you need to save and to analyze. Tables are the main way if displaying data in Microsoft Access. All data is stored in tables. One database can have many different tables, but each table should concentrate on one subject only, for example, the products that a company sells or the customers that the company has. The rows in the table represent the records of the database. The columns represent the fields.

          When you first create a database, it's almost empty. But in order to get you started, Access creates your first table named Table 1. The problem is, this table begins life completely blank, with no defined fields(and no data).

        When you create a new database, you are in the Datasheet view in which you can display the records in a table, where one row is one record. The columns headers are the fields you have defined for the table. When you create a database, Access automatically creates a special ID field to help you sort and organize your data. You don't have to use this ID field if you don't want to.

        In the design view, you can view all the fields with the data types and descriptions. The records of information that has been added to the database are not viewable.

         To go to the design view, click the view button in the datasheet tab and choose a design view option.

         As soon as you choose the design view, Access 2007 asks you for a table name by displaying the Save As dialog box.

Power point 2007 and Basic Power point Terminology

Powerpoint is a presentation program by Microsoft.It is a part of the Microsoft office 2007 suite and runs on Microsoft Windows.Powerpoint is used by business people, educators, students and trainers.

  Powerpoint presentation consists of a number of individual pages or "slides".Slides may contain text , graphics , tables , movies , etcThe presentation can be printed , displayed on a computer , can be projected using a video projector. Powerpoint can add animation to your texts , graphics , tables , movies and other objects through Custom Animations. You can also add transition between your slides.

*  The program can help you to create the following types of presentatios.

*  Black & White transparencies for the overhead projector.

*  Colour transparencies for the overhead projector.

*  mm slides for the slide projector.

*  Video slide show on the computer screen or network.

*  A self-running slide show at a trade show kiosk.


                    Before starting to work with Powerpoint  2007 , you need to know some of the basic terminology used in it.

1. Slide
      Slides are the individual pages of your presentation. Slides can be designed with different titles , graphics , text and much more

      All the slides, from start to finish , that you show to your audience. Sometime presentations are also called "slide shows". Presentations are saved in presentation file. The extention of a PowerPoint presentation is .pptx

      printed pages that the speaker write and print so that you know what to say during a presentation. Only the speaker can see the notes.

      Printed pages that you may give to the audience after a presentation. A handout shows the slides in the presentation.


       To start Powerpoint 2007, click Start>All Programs>Microsoft Office>Microsoft Office Powerpoint 2007. When a first open a presentation, you will a normal view and your screen will appear as follows:

1.  Microsoft Office Button contains some commonly used commands.

2.  Title Bar contain the application name and the button to control the window.

3.  Quick Access Toolbar contains commonly used icons that give you quick access to Powerpoint 2007 features.

4.  Current Slide is the slide that you are working upon for the presentation.

5.  Ribbon contains icons that provide access to various Powerpoint 2007 commands related to the active tab.

6.  Slides/Outline Pane allows you toggle between a text outline view of the slide presentation and a thumbnail view.

7.  Status Bar displays the slide number and the total number of slides in the presentation. Also displays the theme used to create the presentation.

8.  Note Pane allows you to type notes for the active slides . A ny typed notes will appear when you print out Notes pages for your presentation.

9.  View Buttons click these buttons to easily switch between the three views - Normal , Slide Sorter and Slide Show.


             Click Microsoft Office Button>Save. If you are saving the presentation for the first time, the Save As dilog box appears on your screen. You can also press CTRL+S as the short cut key or click on the save button from the quick access Toolbar.

                  Select the appropriate location where you want to save the application.

                  Type the name of the presentation in Save as type : text box. The defult file name is the first line of the first slide.

                  Press the Save button in the dilog box to finish the process.

Microsoft Power Point

To add a new slide with a different layout. click the new slide button down arrow to display a gallery, add click the desired layout to add a new slide with the layout applied. The displayed gallery of different slide layout is shown in the following steps

1. Click start button>Microsoft office>Microsoft office PowerPoint 2007 to start PowerPoint window

2.In the click to add title box, click and type powerpoint tutorial

3. Press CTRL+ENTER your insertion point moves in the click to add a subtitle text box.

4. Type any word in the text box.

5. Save the presentation as an introduction to MS office


     In any Power-point presentation, slides can be viewed in a variety of ways depending on the task at hand.

     To access all the different slide views, click on the view tab. On the left section of presentation views group of the ribbon, you will see the different choices for methods to view your slide.

      Slide show view in the view used for presentation to an audience. The whole screen is taken over by your PowerPoint 2007 presentation. This is the final view we develop our presentation for. all the effects (slide transition, animation, sound effect, etc.)can be seen here.
         slide show view can be activated by pressing the F5 key on the keyboard.
         To exit slide show view at any time, press the ESC key on the keyboard.


    Slide layout defines containers, positioning, and formatting for all of the content the appears on a slide. Placeholders are the containers in a layout that hold such content as text, tables, charts, smart art graphics, movies, sounds, pictures, and clip art.
       Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 includes 9 built-in slide layouts. To apply a different layout to the present slide, follow the step-

1. Click the Home tab>Layout button in the slide group the desired layout. Some of the layouts such as title and content, two content, comparison, etc. have icons on it that allow you to insert objects such as table and graphics.


     Entering and manipulating text is a major part of building a presentation. Text is not only title and bulleted lists but it is also a caption on a picture or a legend or a label on a chart. Text can be inside a shape or curved around it on the outside. The text communicates in thousands of ways.
    The text is entered in a provided text placeholders in a slide. Text placeholders are text boxes that contain text and other objects. Text boxes can be moved or rotated. You can insert a new text box or use an existing one from a template.
    The border of the placeholder tells what can be done with it. If the border is dashed, the text area is selected, and you can enter or edit text. If the border is solid, the placeholder itself is selected and can be moved or manipulated. You can change the solid border to dashed by moving the pointer inside and clicking the text, or by clicking inside outside the text box and then clicking the text to select it again.

1.Moving a Text Box
2.Resizing a Placeholder
3.Rotating a Text Box
4.Filling Color in a Text Box
5.Changing the Font of Text


     Themes in PowerPoint lend presentations color and design coordination. Up to 20 theme template is available in a ribbon gallery in PowerPoint, or you can download additional choices from Microsoft's online templates. Themes include sophisticated background patterns and colors. For each theme, PowerPoint offers several alternative theme colors, fonts and background style.

1.Click Design Tab
      all PowerPoint theme is available in this PowerPoint design tab.


       To enhance the presentation, a clip art graphic can be used. The first step of that process is to add a new slide with a layout that can accommodate both text and clip art. Although can change the slide layout of the present slide accommodate the clip art.


       An organization chart graphically represents the management structure of an organization, such as department managers and non-management employees within a company. By using smart Art graphics in Microsoft office PowerPoint 2007, you can create an organization chart and include it in your presentation.


    While putting together a PowerPoint slide show, it is often useful to actually run the show to see what it will really look like when it is presented to an audience. This can provide a "reality check" and give a better idea of how the show is actually going to look.
    Use the slide show view to see the slide show on your computer screen one slide at a time, using the full screen, as you will when actually presenting the show. You can move the subsequent slides by either clicking your mouse button, clicking the Page Up and Page Down buttons or by using the arrow keys on your keyboard.


    One way add a nice touch of professionalism to a slide show is to add transitions to the slides. Transitions affect the way one slide goes to the next slide. Transitions add interest to your slide show, but care should be taken to be sure they do not become a distraction from the show itself. It is often best to choose one transition you like and use it for the entire slide show. In PowerPoint 2007 transitions can be easily added to a slide using the Transitions Gallery.